1. 电催化; 2. 电化学储能; 3 燃料电池;4锂电池。
国家自然科学基金地方项目:两相界面构筑具有三维分级结构的Ni/Co制氢催化剂及其作用机理研究, 2017-2020,40万;
深圳科创委创新基金项目: 磁场调控构筑分级结构磁性碳基复合材料及其电催化性能研究,2016-2018,30万;
Selected Publications:
[1] F. Zhang, S. Ji, H. Wang, H. Liang, X. Wang, R. Wang, Implanting Cobalt Atom Clusters within Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Network as Highly Stable Cathode for Lithium–Sulfur Batteries, Small Methods 5(6) (2021) 2100066.
[2] Q. Dong, S. Ji, X. Wang, H. Wang, V. Linkov, R. Wang, Uniform Bamboo-like N-Doped Carbon Nanotubes Derived from a g-C3N4 Substrate Grown via Anchoring Effect to Boost the Performance of Metal–Air Batteries, ACS Applied Energy Materials 3(11) (2020) 11213-11222.
[3] Y. Wu, H. Wang, S. Ji, B.G. Pollet, X. Wang, R. Wang, Engineered porous Ni2P-nanoparticle/Ni2P-nanosheet arrays via the Kirkendall effect and Ostwald ripening towards efficient overall water splitting, Nano Research (2020).
[4] Z. Wang, H. Wang, S. Ji, X. Wang, B.G. Pollet, R. Wang, Multidimensional regulation of Ni3S2@Co(OH)2 catalyst with high performance for wind energy electrolytic water, Journal of Power Sources 446 (2020) 227348.
[5] Q. Dong, Z. Mo, H. Wang, S. Ji, X. Wang, V. Linkov, R. Wang, N-Doped Carbon Networks Containing Inserted FeNx@NC Nanospheroids and Bridged by Carbon Nanotubes as Enhanced Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2020).
[6] J. Shen, Y. Feng, P. Wang, G. Qiu, L. Zhang, L. Lu, H. Wang, R. Wang, V. Linkov, S. Ji, Conductive sulfur-rich copolymer composites as lithium-sulfur battery electrodes with fast kinetics and high cycle stability, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2020).
[7] R. Wang, Q. Dong, H. Wang, S. Ji, X. Wang, V. Linkov, Molten-salt media synthesis of N-doped carbon tubes containing encapsulated Co nanoparticles as bifunctional air cathode for zinc-air batteries, Chemistry – A European Journal n/a(n/a) (2020).
[8] H. Wang, L. Lu, P. Subramanian, S. Ji, P. Kannan, Co, Fe-ions intercalated Ni(OH)2 network-like nanosheet arrays as highly efficient non-noble catalyst for electro-oxidation of urea, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46(69) (2021) 34318-34332.
[9] X. Lv, S. Ji, V. Linkov, X. Wang, H. Wang, R. Wang, Three-dimensional N-doped super-hydrophilic carbon electrodes with porosity tailored by Cu2O template-assisted electrochemical oxidation to improve the performance of electrical double-layer capacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9(5) (2021) 2928-2936.
[10] H. Wang, J. Ding, P. Kannan, P. Subramanian, S. Ji, Nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbon nanosheet network entrapped nickel nanoparticles as an efficient catalyst for electro-oxidation of glycerol, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45(53) (2020) 28821-28835.